Drop In Singing group - coffee at breaktime
Singing and goofing around at the drop in singing group

For The Joy Of Singing

Drop In Singing was the first of the Felton Music activities to be established. With no concerts to prepare for we just enjoy singing together for pleasure and relaxation. Lots of laughing and different songs to enjoy each time.

Each session is based on a theme, and we work through about a dozen songs linked to it. That means there's lots of variety: songs from musicals, folk, pop, jazz, children’s songs, hymns, rounds - anything might come up. Those who come along suggest songs we might do.

There’s no need to read music, though it’s provided so if you like using it you can, or if you are interested in how it works, you’ve a chance to get more used to it. No need either to come every time - you drop in whenever you want, and take pot luck with what’s on offer. And definitely no need to feel you have a good singing voice - or indeed any sort of a voice at all.

Most of the songs are pretty well known, though there’s a scatter of less familiar ones. There’s often an optional second part for those who’d like to tackle it, and we occasionally venture into very short bits of three part harmony and give ourselves a thrill.

There are usually no more than eight people, so we fit happily into the conservatory of one of our members on a variety of chairs and a sofa. At half time there’s coffee and biscuits. Weekly for most of the year, session are fortnightly from May to the start of September, allowing people to enjoy the lighter evenings.

Tuesday Evenings:   7.30 - 9.30
Cost: £2 a session

(Contact Alison at felton4music@gmail.com to find out where to come)