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Music Saturday

Sight Reading

We're still finding lots of useful learning to do using Galuppi's Kyrie. In April we practised singing a chromatic scale – a sequence of semitones, from C up to G and down again. Definitely worth practising for those moments when you have to sing a sharpened or flattened version of a note. We found that for most of us writing the counts in helped no end getting tied notes and rests the right length. Definitely worth getting out the pencil. And we worked on looking a bar or half a bar ahead especially when you're at the end of a line or page. Definitely worth adopting as a habit. In May we'll unpack why sometimes you want to sing the wrong note because it sounds righter than the right one, practise doing two things at once – and do more singing of Galuppi's lovely piece.

Confident Singing

It's goodbye to the set of Spirituals now. We had a triumphant session in April where everyone remembered to stand, breathe, support and project. Tremendous. In May we'll pair up to mentor each other singing a song that really means something to us. Make contact as soon as you can to let me know your song choice so we can be sure you've got  a copy if you don't already have one.

A Cappella

A choice of three types of activity to suit all levels of experience. Those with least confidence made tremendous progress with Tallis' Canon and started learning Sanctus by Clemens. Do try to get the whole song learned for May. The Coquet Room Chorale is still enjoying the SATB collection – not so new now. The third group, promoted from the kitchen to the main hall, worked on Josquin's Verbum Supernum and Palestrina's Jesu Rex. The next piece to try would be the Kyrie from Byrd's Three part Mass. This group did really good work, both singing well and getting to grips with the process of working effectively as a small self-managing group.


Information to follow

Slow Tunes

Information to follow

Swedish Folk Music

The group practised triple time Polskas and then worked on “12 Note” Polskas. People should practise the way of phrasing the notes – 2 slurred, 2 separate. String players need to alternate their bow strokes: 

down bow for 2 slurred notes, up bow for one note, down bow for one note; up bow for 2 slurred notes, down bow for one note, up bow for one note. etc etc

Those at the session were given a copy of Lilla Långdanssen från Bijsō. It would be good to practise this with the bowing / tongueing pattern set out above. If you weren't at the session and would like a copy, contact Chris Metherell or email Felton Music.

And – practise the F major scale. It's a good idea not to just go from F to F. Instead, use all the notes in the F major scale you can play on your instrument. Maybe you could start on your lowest F, play up the scale as high as you sensibly can, turn round, don't stop at F but go on if you have lower notes and then come back and finally finish on F. Then have a glass of something.

Music Saturdays are monthly workshops for singers and players. Everyone is welcome to come to one or more sessions as often as they want. See Music Saturdays Page for more general information and plans for the next session.

Cost of Confident Singing is just 50p. For everything else, it's £1.50 for each session to cover room hire, refreshments and materials.